Saturday, June 8, 2019

Top 10 Cleaning Motivation Ideas

I don't know about you guys, but sometimes, okay a lot...I just can't get off my butt to clean!

"It's only going to get WRECKED AGAIN" is usually my thought-process. BUT, I have learned that cleaning is kind of like working hate the idea of getting started but feel so much better. Guilty here!

So I am going to share a little confidential journey into my brain. Warning: It's weird in there!

Okay....I work on reward.

There I said it, the biggest WAY for me to ever accomplish ANYTHING is by ALLOWING myself to get a reward from it.

Hmm....maybe my parents bribed me too much...thanks mom & dad.

So if you're like me...and need a little motivation...or a lot (if you're like me) here are some ideas to get UP & get CLEANING:  

1. The Jam Out Music Session.
Music turned up. Straight up dancing queen! Even if you have to fake it at first, as soon as those endorphins get going, you're mostly likely to STICK WITH IT, and who knows where you might end. Possibly a clean house?!?!

2. The Lazy Sit /Watch TV Approach.
This approach only works if your house is REALLY messy, and your energy level is LOW. How to do it? You plop your bottom on the floor, get lots of baskets - kids rooms, your room, trash bag, and you sit and throw in the desired basket.

Warning: You will need to get up and take the baskets to the desired room.

Note: This method will not work if you haven't reach maximum level of home destruction.  

3. The Online Shopper Break Method.
One of my favorite websites to online shop is a website called The Lakeside Collection. It's kind of like a TJ-Maxx. And me and TJ-Maxx are in a very serious relationship.
Lakeside always has the decor items, clothing, etc in a perfect setting, so you see how wonderfully it will fit in your life. Damn you Lakeside

I clean a little and then allow myself to sit and shop a moment. And add to my cart.

Okay...let's you guys actually buy the items you put in your cart? For every time I do this method, I usually actually BUY the items say 1/5 times. Not bad!

Just the simple "Add to Cart (even if I don't actually buy) just makes me can't even explain it ;)

4. Invite a friend over approach.
Let me explain this can't be like your best friend because well, they have probably seen your house messy and you just don't give a flip.

Heck, you would probably call them to help you get it back in shape. But invite someone over for dinner, margs on the back-deck, whatever it will take to hold you accountable.

That simple...Invite. Clean. They Show Up.

5. The Pinterest Approach.
This is just like the Online Shopper Break Approach except you allow yourself to sit and look at Pins *you will probably never do* instead of online shopping. Simple.  

6. The "I'm going to take a picture of it" Humble Brag & Post To Social Media Approach.
If you are a home decor/home life instagrammer or social media person...or just like posting pics, your butt has done this so many times. I'm guilty myself!  

What else motivates you to clean your house better than posting a picture of a spotlight area knowing that 1000's of people will see it?! Work for me!

7. The Small Area Tackle.
This is probably one of my most favorite methods. I tell myself, okay...I'm just going to clean the "bar area of my kitchen" and boom, my whole kitchen is clean. It's pretty freaking, great! All you need is to GET GOING!

8. You-Tube Watch Approach.
If you haven't watched a you-tube cleaning are behind and have missed out on a lot of life.

Why is it that we like watching these videos? Why do kids like watching other kids play with toys?


Above: Two of my fav cleaners, Brittany Vasseur & Myka Stauffer

It's a mystery but it works. Allow yourself 2 to 3 minutes of watching to get inspired, and then YOU go and clean your own dang house. Keep repeating.

9. The Family Tackle.
My husband and I have two boys (5 & 2) getting them to clean is a bit of a challenge BUT they definitely can pick up their toys *After putting them in timeout until they do it*

When the music is blaring, everyone is running around, the energy level is a bit contagious, we get it done SO MUCH faster.

Last but not least....

10. 20 Minutes a Day Routine.
I saved this one for last because I am a firm believer, that if EVERYDAY you put in 20 won't be tackling whole house cleaning. If you are consistent and build healthy cleaning habits with your family, hopefully...maybe...possibly, you'll eventually get to where cleaning is not such a chore...and when you figure that out...please let all us mamas know! ;)

Hope you like these ideas & maybe one inspired you to get cleaning. Feel free to add anymore in the comments section below! I would love to hear what motivates you all to clean!

God Bless,