Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Welcome to my blog! My name is Brittany. I am a Wife, Boy Momma, Teacher,  Organizer Fanatic, and a Jack of all Trades...but TRULY a master of NONE. I have always had a little "country" in be, but I will definitely say marrying my husband & building our homestead has truly created me as a "Farm Momma & Wife" - I'm still learning! 

I created this blog as a space for a creative outlet. I don't know if you're like me...but I constantly have ideas running through my head, but struggle to find the resources, and MOSTLY TIME to complete them all. This blog I hope will push me with my goals, but also offer some inspiration for others as well. 

If you've come to this blog for a fancy features, chic backgrounds, and inspiration of a glamorous life...I'm afraid you might have come to the wrong place. Sometimes...it's a little messy around & oh yeah, they are some rowdy little boys running around here ;)  

So what's going on in life right now?! A little bit of everything ALWAYS! My husband and I completed building our dream home in September 2018, we're raising our two wild boys, always something to do on the farm, and let's not forget me and my husband BOTH have full-time jobs.
************Thank goodness I'm a teacher with summers off**************

But yeah, life is a little crazy (but oh so fun).

I am convinced with the right mind-set, Jesus, and caffeine...everything is possible & we're just sitting back for the ride. 

I hope you'll find a little inspiration for your day and a project or two you want to take on from this hot-mess mama.....and come back y'all! 

God Bless, 
